Fancy yourself a new incredible story to tell at parties? Add getting chased by a virtual T. rex, touching a tornado, and battling your friends in a remote-control robot arena to your list!
With 11 hands-on exhibit halls to explore and a cutting-edge 3D theater, the Perot Museum offers a full day of discovery. Get ready to amaze your brain! Get to experience this awesomeness by purchasing your discounted Dallas CityPASS tickets today!
![Banner image featuring a smiling woman with face paint and a man looking at a bright display inside the Perot Museum of Nature and Science. Exhibit information is visible in the softly focused background. The museum's logo is at the bottom left.](
![A man and a woman are engaging with an interactive exhibit, smiling with enthusiasm. The woman has yellow face paint. In the background, the setting appears scientific or educational with information displays. A red logo is visible in the upper right corner. The image has a footer with the word 'Perot' in stylized script followed by 'Museum of Nature and Science'.](
Last updated February 06, 2023.